Monday, February 21, 2011

Empire State of Mind

Coat - BB Dakota, Hat - Forever 21, Sweater - Wholesale, Bag - Etienne Aigner

Dress - La Dauphine, Necklace - American Eagle, Glasses - Forever 21, Booties - MIA

Outfits from the first and the second days in NYC. I know you can't really tell the difference between the two... My plan of getting creative with outerwear was trumped by the cold weather. I was lamenting the lack of massive, fuzzy coats in my wardrobe. Also, I am kicking myself for not bringing the Nikon D80. All we had was my little point and shoot camera. It did okay, but I felt more like a tourist than a blogger at Fashion Week. Some of the street style shots I took at Fashion Week are on La Dauphine here and here. For my next post I'll have to get some photos of the absolutely perfect jewelry I found hunting through the four story Forever 21 in Times Square!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gone, Gone to New York City

I could not think of a better way to start out this blog than a trip to New York Fashion Week! I leave at 5 am tomorrow (yikes...) and for any of you who follow La Dauphine, my epic packing quest was a success. Five days of clothing suitable for below freezing weather, fit into a 2x3 carry on. If you didn't catch it already, this was the inspiration for my packing list:
There are a few specific things that I'm shopping for in NYC. Mainly, one of those floppy hats from American Apparel. They just seem to make every outfit that much more awesome... And also a Free People dress I've had my eye on for a while. Out of three FP stores in Manhattan I'm sure one will have it.
Wish me luck for my long day of traveling tomorrow. I'll have more posts for you once I get there!